A group of specialists dedicated to helping business owners with all aspects of their company.

NY - Buffalo-Rochester


Business Strategy Institute Faculty of Buffalo/Rochester

Bruce L. Carrow, CFP, CLU, Exit planner

Certified Financial Planning and Exit Planning

Prior to joining Capital Insights Group, Bruce worked at M&T Bank and Wilmington Trust helping business owners with their financial planning. Understanding that these decisions have an emotional component, Bruce works to understand what motivations are in play and how they impact each business owner’s decision process.

A good exit or transition plan ideally should start 5 -10 years before the business owner wants to leave the business, typically when they embrace retirement. With proper planning, they will be able to maximize the value of their business and achieve their retirement goals. Unfortunately, due to lack of planning, most businesses don’t survive past the founder.

Bruce’s continued commitment to the business owner community is punctuated by his additional designations: Accredited Estate Planner®, Chartered Advisor Philanthropy®, Chartered Financial Consultant®.

Capital Insights Group WNY, LLC
640 Ellicott Street
Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: 716-309-4640





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